Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

My Identity

Hello my name is Muhamad Musa As'ari. I school in SMAN 1 Sukaresmi kabupaten Cianjur, West Java, Republic of Indonesia and i was followed two extracurricular that can be said both of them are top in my school extracurricular. I served as vice chairman in extracurricular named RISMA (Remaja Islam Masjid) Manarul Hidayah and became deputy secretary in extracurricular MMC (Multi Media Club).
distance from my house to school could say far that is within 10 KM. I was born on March 30, 1998 in Cianjur, West Java and I was born of a mother who named Siti Aisah and my father named Eman Sulaeman.
My hobby is playing games and sports, I have a desire that both my parents dispatched to Mecca for pilgrimage and for myself I want to be accepted at Padjadjaran University and become a scientists. I have a mentoring group called "Tawazzun Insan", in the group, I have many friends that I regard as my small family. "Tawazun Insan not just a friend, but has become a family" said Rudi Ardiansyah. I do not know, I feel like we all meet again in the heaven later.

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